Welcome to our Free CSCS Mock Test For Managers and Professionals. If you are working on a construction site in a managerial role, you will have to take this test to get hold of your card, for example, the CSCS Black Managers card and the Academically or Professionally Qualified person cards.
We have included a wide range of questions in this test, there are over 450 questions selected at random to provide you with a 50-question managers CSCS card mock test. So please take this a few times so you can view the different questions and answers.
The managers and professionals CSCS is the same length as the CSCS test for Operatives, it is 45 minutes long, but you will need to score at least 46 out of 50 to pass the exam. There is a larger bank of questions to revise and 3 extra categories to learn:
If you want to work on a construction site and gain your black card, then you will need to have a good understanding of these questions as you will be asked questions on them in the real exam.
In this mock test, we have provided the latest 50 questions you might be asked when sitting your real CSCS Test. In order to pass your managers and professionals test, you will need to score at least 46 out of 50 correct answers in 45 minutes.
The CSCS test for managers, also known as the Management and Professional (MAP) Test , is designed to assess an individual's knowledge and understanding of health and safety in the construction industry. The test covers a range of topics, including:
The CSCS test for managers consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, and applicants must answer at least 47 of them correctly to pass the test. The test is taken online, and applicants have 45 minutes to complete it. A CSCS card will be issued to individuals who pass the test, which allows them to work as managers in the construction industry.
all good
I checked with the official app. The answer to this question is wrong:
Which two of these activities are likely to need a hot-work permit?
The correct answer shouldn't include:
"Refuelling a diesel dump truck"
Hi Dyl
Thanks for the heads up, you are completely right! Not sure how this got mixed up on the results, but thank you for letting us know. This has now been corrected
Good mock test very helpful
good test
Good prep work,
Really good test.
Good mock test! Thanks
50 out of 50!
Great thanks
Just using the mock test to practice and learn. Before my test date.
Very Helpful. Thank you.
Good mock exam to help you get prepared 👍
Good exceptionally helpful
25 out of 50, maybe I should get back on the tools!!!!
good test
Excellent mock test. It helped to emphasize the importance of reading the question
Great to assist in preparation
A good variety of question presented each time
Last attempt before my exam
Good luck Jerry!! Let us know how you get on today.
good revision
good mock test
Great help. I want to donate towards this useful service but won't use email banking. If there's any other way to contribute I will certainly.
Great for preparing for exam. Thanks
What a great site. Really helpful in letting you gauge your knowledge level. Especially nice is that you can see where you have gone wrong and learn from mistakes
Excellent for revision prior to taking my test.
Great test
thumbs up
good test
A very good format to acclimatise to a test
Very good test
Much appreciated
great mock test
Thanks for test.
Good test very helpful.
I'm finding this a very good pre-course test, which does relate to the test. Thank you.
great testing questions
Shows the importance of reading the questions fully, before answering, and not rushing to finish.
Great tool for practice
Good test but need to read more careful, no rush
Excellent for preparing for the test.
These mock test are a real help, when sitting the test, you are not made aware of why you got a question wrong this is most frustrating not to under stand your error.
it is really helpful
most of these question are in actual exam
Thank you
Very informative & up to speed with CITB GT200 publication
very useful mock tests
Great help
Very helpful as not very good with computers
This was a great mock test it had a good mixture of the questions that are in the MAP HS&E revision material.
Great prep test
Very good, my revision was based on the 2016 CITB booklet and all the areas of the mock were covered within it. I advise anyone to obtain the latest version of the booklet before attempting this exam.
Good mock test very helpful not very good with computers and dislectick
Thanks that was great very helpful
Very helpful for me apart from the no 28 questions no tick boxes for some reason
Good Heads up Very helpful
Very good test
Great test will study and do again
Good test, very helpful
Very useful revision assist
Q28 28. A. Which of these statements about personal protective equipment (PPE) is not true?
A. Workers must use it as instructed
B. Workers must report any damage or loss to their manager
C. Workers must store it correctly when they are not using it
D. Workers must pay for any damage or loss
I answered D and it says I got it wrong?
Yes, D is not true. Workers do not need to pay for it
yes very informative
I'm getting there 46.9%
Good tool for revision
Excellant. Very helpful
Good Revision questions.
Excellent for testing your current knowledge
I got all the questions right but still only scored 49, 48.6, could you tell me why this is